March 23, 2002. The day I became Mrs. Andrew López.
Besides being given salvation, the man I married has been my greatest gift from my Lord. It has been my privilege to be his wife.
Being his wife has given me experiences that have enriched my life. Last night I sat down to jot down some things that I've experienced as Mrs. López. The list is too long; and I could really write a book of all the exciting things we've lived together.
I will say that life with him (seven years living in a remote our first year of marriage in a small room in the clinic...then moving to the more "spacious" house built by the natives...learning to live with no running water, no commodities or luxuries...being surrounded by the Indian rebels who were in constant unrest...) has made my life richer, more meaningful, more selfless. He has taught me to appreciate small things, and our journey together has been one of learning and growth.
Watching him nurse sick ones back to health, pray over and plead with the lost to be saved, teaching poor village children, and having compassion on the less fortunate have made me admire this man and love him more each passing day. His love and concern for the orphans and widows have shown that this man's walk is genuine, for he delights in helping those who cannot repay him.
Watching him father our three children with such love and devotion have further bound my heart to the man that I call my husband. How easy it has been for me to teach them honor and respect for the one they call "Daddy."
In unexpected change and disappointment, I have watched him trust the Lord for our next step in our lives. He has sought the Lord and waited on Him, and together we have seen God provide.
Heart-wrenching hardship and trials have helped us grow together. God is our Light, and His Word waters and refreshes us as we grow stronger in Him. Growing closer to Jesus has drawn us closer to each other.
This man is patient and caring, yet firm. He is gentle, but determined. He's a leader with the heart of a servant.
So do you see why I am privileged to be this man's wife?
I iron his clothes and set out his shoes for him every morning. I prepare his coffee and test that it's just right for him. I'm the one he gently kisses before leaving for his day's work, and I smell his cologne on my cheek all morning.
A phone call or a phone message tell me he's thinking about ME, and it is with great anticipation that we await his arrival from work. Our 2-year-old squeals, "Daddy!" and it is I who watch his enthusiasm as he lovingly greets this man. Our children wait in line for hugs from Daddy, and then it is my turn. Yes, this man comes to my house, his car is pulled into MY garage; it is his key that opens my front door.
And it is I with whom he shares his activities of the day. I watch him bear the weight of providing for his family. He does it well, without complaint.
I am blessed to be his wife, to fulfill his needs as his help meet.
13 years. 4,742 days.
And I look forward to the next 13 years! I don't know what they may hold, but I know that if we seek to follow in the steps of Jesus, the years to come will be full of blessings, and of watching Him provide and care for us.
"And she became his wife; and he loved her."